Customer & Corporate Services Scrutiny Management  Committee


23 May 2022

Report of the Ethical Asset Disposal Task Group


Cover Report: Ethical Asset Disposal


1.      This report provides information on what currently exists in relation to City of York (CYC) asset disposal policies and information on what other local authorities do. 


2.      At the Corporate & Customer Services Scrutiny Management Committee (CSMC) Call In on 21 December 2020[1] on the Update on the Asset Management Strategy 2017-2022, it was resolved that “a request be made for an appropriate Scrutiny committee to undertake scoping work, with a view to developing a strategy for the council on the ethical disposal of its assets.”

3.      An informal working group of from the CSMC and Economy & Place Scrutiny Committee membership was established – Cllr Stephen Fenton, Cllr Ed Pearson and Cllr George Norman. The working group has undertaken some scoping work with CYC Officers and gathered information on what other local authorities do during the course of its review.

4.      The working group was not asked to come up with any recommendations, but to report back to CSMC with the information gathered, for CSMC to then decide on next steps.






5.    The working group has consulted with CYC’s Head of Asset Management and the Chief Finance Officer.


This Committee can      

6.    (i)    receive the report and/or comment on the findings of the working group to date; and/or


        (ii)    request that further research be undertaken by the working group; and/or

        (iii)   request that the most appropriate Scrutiny Committee undertake a more detailed Scrutiny Review, if required.


Council Plan 2019-23

7.    Ethical Asset Disposal contributes to the Council’s objectives relating to better management of its stock and improving the environmental effects on climate.

Implications and Risk Management

8.    As there are no recommendations contained in the Ethical Asset Disposal report, there are no financial, equalities, legal, information technology, crime & disorder, sustainability, other implications or risks at this stage.



9.        Members are asked to consider the information provided in the Ethical Asset Disposal report and to decide on the most appropriate course of action as listed in the Options above.

Reason:      To ensure that the process for Scrutiny is managed effectively.





Contact Details


Dawn Steel

Head of Civic, Democratic & Scrutiny Services

Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Janie Berry

Director of Governance


Report Approved












Wards Affected: 






For further information please contact the author of the report




Appendix 1 – Ethical Asset Disposal Report
